Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cultivate Agarwood with latest technology


The source of Agarwood is the Aquilaria (agar) tree. This evergreen tree bears flowers that are sweetly scented.
Agarwood is a highly prized incense that is extremely rare. It has at least a 3000-year history in the Middle East, China and Japan.
Since ages our people has knowledge and experience of agarwood and agar oil in Bangladesh.
“Current levels of exploitation for forest may be a significant factor in increasing their threat of extinction. For years, trees of the genus Aquilaria have been the principle source of Agarwood, (also called eaglewood, gaharu, aloeswood amongst others), one of the most valuable forest products traded internationally. Trees can produce Agarwood are found throughout South and Southeast Asia from India to as far east as Papua New Guinea.” (Ref.: CITES, thirteenth meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva (Switzerland), 12th-15th August 2003)
Agarwood is used in traditional medicine systems such as Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Traditional East Asian medicine and its fragrance makes it a popular ingredient of perfumes. Agarwood is also burned to create incense for example in India, Japan and the Middle East. Less commonly, it can be used as an insect repellent and as an ingredient in wine. (Ref.: CITES, thirteenth meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva (Switzerland), 12th-15th August 2003)
Recently aromatherapy using agarwood has become very popular in USA and Europe.
Agarwood chips and segments may sell for several hundred to several thousand US dollars per kilogramme. The price of oil distilled from Agarwood is generally between five and ten thousand US dollars per kilogramme, but can be significantly more for Agarwood oil exceptionally high quality. (Ref.: CITES, thirteenth meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva (Switzerland), 12th-15th August 2003)
(Note: This price is applicable for natural Agarwood only).
(a) Natural Process:
When infected by certain fungi, Aquilaria trees, amongst others, produce Agarwood, the greatest volumes of resin being found in trees aged 50 years or more. However, as only infected trees produce Agarwood; uninfected trees are of negligible commercial value. If Agarwood is present, it exists in unpredictable quantities and qualities that can only be fully determined once the tree has been split open, this result in many trees being felled needlessly thus causing drastic declines in wild populations. (Ref.: CITES, thirteenth meeting of the Plants Committee, Geneva (Switzerland), 12th-15th August 2003)
(b) Traditional method:
In various parts of the world even today people try different methods by injuring the tree artificially to obtain Agarwood and Agar oil. These methods make the mortality rate of the plant very high.
In Bangladesh, what is traditionally tried by the farmers is the nailing method. But very little, low
grade and contaminated agar oil can be extracted from this method. Besides this method can only be
practiced in full monsoon.
In natural forests, illegal poaching has resulted in making trees endangered. International organizations such as  CITES, IUCN, TRAFFIC, FAO & EC etc. have mounted efforts and at the moment playing active role in preserving this endangered species.
European based TRP has undertaken a project whose concept is people based nature conservation and sponsored by the European Commission.
TRP is working on economically and environmentally sustainable Agarwood development.
A successful method including of resin formation in young plantation growth trees has been developed and the process is continually being refined and optimized with ongoing research with TRP cooperator and wood microbiologist Prof. Robert Blanchette, University of Minnesota, USA. (Ref.: The rainforest Project
Most importantly, experiments showed that TRP was able to induce Agarwood in planted trees, up to ten-times faster then in nature and in much higher quantities.( Ref.: The rainforest Project
(Note: In much higher quantities means compared to other traditional methods such as nailing, axe wounding, etc. practiced around the world).
Between November 10th and 15th 2003, Prof. Robert A. Blanchette announced his success in First International Agarwood Conference which was held in Vietnam organized by TRP.
Over 80 delegates attended from a multitude of backgrounds and countries. During two days of presentations in Ho Chi Minh City, chemists, forest pathologists, molecular biologists, pharmacologists, business people, government officials, forestry extension and conservation experts, perfumers, incense manufacturers, and aroma therapists exchanged ideas on wide-ranging topics.
(Ref.: The rainforest Project
Among these 80 delegates, representatives of CITES, IUCN, TRAFFIC, FAO & EC etc. were present. 
Second International Conference was held in Bangkok from March 4 to 11, 2007 at Kasetsart University, organized by TRP and sponsored by CITES, TRAFFIC, IUCN, FAO and EC etc.
Opinion of FAO regarding First International Agarwood Conference:
“This conference will follow up on the experience and the feedback of the hugely successful First International Agarwood Conference, held at Viet Nam in November 2003.”
Also in Second International Agarwood Conference, Agarwood (inducement) production technology (i.e. CA Kit technology) was discussed along with other topics. (Ref.: FAO Corporate Document Repository).
Prof. Robert A. Blanchette presented 1st generation CA Kits in First International Agarwood Conference and improved 2nd generation CA Kits in Second International Agarwood Conference and was discussed.
CA Kits has been successfully used in numerous countries including Bhutan, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam for many years.
The CA Kit uses pharmaceutical grade gelatin capsules filled with non harmful inorganic compounds which do not contaminate soil or plants. These compounds are used in many fields including food production and water treatment and meet Europeans, USA, and WHO environmental safety requirements.
After several field tests, Prof. Robert Blanchette came up with improved 3rd generation CA Kit which was formally announced in a seminar held on 16th May, 2008 at Borolekha, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh.
This is the only scientifically tested and patented technology available at present.
Uses  of CA Kit technology in user countries has enriched rural economy by creating employment opportunity in the field of seed collection, plantation, garden maintenance, CA Kits inoculation, plant harvesting, agar chips production, agar oil production, management and marketing etc.
Also created a profitable investment opportunity for the investors and earned valuable foreign currency for those countries.
The invention of this technology has helped conservation of endangered Aquilaria species in user countries, besides more plantations has resulted in environment improvement.
Since ages the people of Sujanagar union under Borolekha upazila of Moulvibazar district in Sylhet division have been familiar and experienced with agar extraction, chips production and oil extraction in traditional nailing method.
Naturally formed agarwood is hardly available as very rarely it is formed in trees. But very little, low grade agar oil can be extracted from any agar tree.
Among those who extract agar oil, there is a small group of factory owners who extracts agar oil from white agar wood only. (Note: In such tress neither naturally agar was formed nor any technology had been applied).
These factory owners do not follow the nailing method as their ancestors never did. They consider it to be as an act of sin because agar oil is also used for medicinal purpose. They believe that the rust of iron which is found due to the nailing method actually contaminates the agar oil.
After the announcement of 3rd generation CA Kit by Prof. Robert Blanchette, in a seminar held on 16th May, 2008 at Borolekha, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh, several people decided not to apply nailing method to their trees. They are anxiously waiting for CA Kits to be available in the market.
Even before the seminar, the local farmers were aware of the CA Kits from sources of BRAC and SQUARE. Also some of the factory owners of Moulvibazar were trying to get the patent of CA Kits.
In fact   Most of the factory owners and traders travel around South East Asia, Middle East and they have come to know about the market demand of CA Kits applied products.  At present, extracting agar oil from trees in which nailing method has been applied is practiced by some factory owners. Because, in this way slightly more and a bit better quality agar oil is achieved compared to oil extracted from white agar wood.
During the period of 1998 to 2004, the govt. of Bangladesh has experimentally and successfully planted agar trees in 785.67 hectares of land. (Ref.  book-Agar- Experimental Agar production Project-published by Department of Forest under the Ministry of Environment and Forest).
Looking at the successful result of previous experimental plantation, another program for planting 6.5 million of agar plants was taken up. . (Ref. book-Agar Bonayon- published by Department of Forest under the Ministry of Environment and Forest).
The total amount of money invested in the experimental agar plantation project was Tk.-2.9 crore only. At present the market value of this project is Tk.-380 crore.
Presently agar industry provides employment of 10 lac working days. And if there is a planned way of agar plantation then it will provide employment of at least 30 crore working days and will earn foreign currency of at least Tk-500 crore. . (Ref.  book-Agar- Experimental Agar production Project-published by Department of Forest under the Ministry of Environment and Forest).
Appropriate technology such as CA Kit technology if adopted then employment opportunity and foreign currency earning will increase. Moreover usage of this technology confirms 100% Agar formation in Aquilaria trees. This technology also ensures better quality and more quantity of Agarwood and Agar oil than any other method/technology at present. It reduces the time duration of harvesting.


  1. Great article on Agarwood. The oud is great for perfumes too

  2. Your web is very nice, please visit also here there are all kinds of accessories bracelet made of wood
